The Jar with a Second Life

In 2022, Moccona partnered with a next generation of young, socially-conscious designers (Australian students), to create a sustainability-themed, limited edition collection of recyclable glass coffee jars to inspire people to take small steps towards a more sustainable world. 

The 3 Limited Edition Jars

Our Whales Below

by Kaitlyn Geltner

Protecting Friends

by Celine Groene


by Nicole Canuto

Our Whales Below

Kaitlyn has a passion for the ocean. Her design is Humpback wales and Minke Wales, both are vital to the preservation of Australia waters. Whales play an important part in circulating nutrients in the water and providing oxygen to the world. They directly combat climate change and can be a great inspiration to us to start looking out for the environment.

Protecting Friends

Sustainability can be defined as the capacity for Earth biosphere and human civilization to co-exist. An important factor for Celine is the respect and protection of the nature. Every living organism needs to be respected and preserved. This is why she has chosen to celebrate Australia and its biodiversity with a cockatoo, frangipane flowers and green stripes representing tree, while the coffee will be visible between this stripes. She wanted her design to be a collectible Australian native representation because preserving the nature is preserving our future.


Nicole believes one of the best ways people can live more sustainably is through reusing and upcyling existing items. The iconic Moccona jars have long since encouraged sustainable practices, being a popular item that is repurposed endlessly. In championing its reuseability, she illustrated a few ways people can upcycle the jars – basing it off the recipes found on the Moccona website. In order for us to have a more sustainable future we need to place emphasis on taking action in the present, and in this design she wanted to directly show people how we can take those steps.

Our sustainability journey

Moccona’s jar contains more than 50% recycled glass, is perfect for upcycling and is also recyclable through your recycle bin collection.​

JDE Peets is committed to achieving 100% recyclable, compostable, or reusable packaging.